วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557


Strong writing skills in English come from practice and determination. No one is born an excellent writer. Learning to be an excellent writer in English takes a lot of time and practice, anyone can be a good writer if they are determined enough.
Below are 8 Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills:
1. Keep All of your Writing in One Place
Buy a notebook or journal or start an electronic journal. By keeping your writing all in the same place, you will be able to see how much you are improving and keep it organized.
2. Practice Writing in English Daily
    The importance of writing daily is that you start to create a new habit. Writing every day in English will soon become natural and something you look forward to. You will not see a significant improvement if you are not dedicated to becoming a better writer in English. You cannot create awesome stories and papers if you never try.
3. Pick a Topic and WRITE!
   Don’t get stuck on figuring out what to write about. You can write about anything. You can write about what you do, things you hear or see, news, or make up a story. If you do get stuck, use some of English Tonight’s writing prompts to help you get started.
4. Write More than One Draft
    Draft means a preliminary version of piece of writing. Sometimes, your best writing becomes better after you take a break and work on a second or third draft. When you revise (or rewrite) your work you are often able to get your message across more clearly. You make think of things that you did not think to write in the first draft and you can add it in a later draft.
5. Use Online Resources to Correct your Grammar
    You don’t need to know everything about English grammar. Use online resources, such as Grammarly, GrammarCheck or GrammarBook.com to help you answer a grammar question when it comes up. You could also switch the spell and grammar check on MS Word, your iPad or Google Doc to check your spelling and grammar in English.
6. Think Outside the Box (or Lines)
    Don’t write about the same thing every day or you will get bored. Try writing the same story from different perspectives or different tenses. If you are writing a story about a baby that won’t stop crying; first, it could be the mother telling the story; then from the perspective of the baby. Or you could write it in present moment…. ‘My baby hasn’t stopped crying in five days…’ and then write in the perspective of a pregnant woman that is thinking about having a baby that won’t stop crying. Don’t write about topics in the obvious way. Be creative!
7. Have a Friend Edit Your Writing
    Have a friend that knows English correct or edit your work. Having another person read your work helps generate more ideas to better your writing. You could have them edit everything or just a part that you are stuck on. Often having another set of eyes look at your writing helps find mistakes that you have overlooked.
8. Find the Best Place for You to Write
    You should try writing in different places or at different times of the day. Maybe you have writer’s block at night; try getting up 15 minutes earlier and writing in the morning. Maybe you have trouble writing where there is a lot of noise; try writing in a quiet and comfortable place. Experiment in finding the right (or write?) environment for you to write.

To sum up, writing is a process; the more you work on your writing the better it (and you) will get.

Cite from: http://english-tonight.com/tag/english-writing-tips/

Reflection task-based language teaching approach on topic “house chore” (Nattakarns’)

This article is about reflection Nattakrn’s lesson plan. The purposes of article is to reflect task-based language teaching approach on topic “house chore” and hope readers can adapt steps approach in their class. Moreover, the topic also inserts public mind to students.
          Begin with interesting video about house chore, it was short cartoon video and it could attract the attention of the students, not less. What is the more, she showed and let students pronounced the basic vocabularies about house chore, what is more interesting? She has sounds and picture below the vocabs for students had more understanding. In addition, she showed part of speech of each words, I think it good for students to bring those words apply in sentence because they know part of speech of them. Next, I would like to talk about movement in her class. She had group activity for her student so fun, that’s Charade game, student had act out as meaning of the vocab that they picked from the box, then let their members in group guess what that word is about. It’s activity by structural “she has to mop the floor and I have to take out the trash.  (Acting out)” Moreover, she had showed sample by saying before allowed students did the activity. And finally she did as another, she had taught about structure of grammar point; present perfect tense. Surely, this step is Grammar focus.

            Conclusion, the activities are fun and appropriate with her students’ skill level, primary level. On the whole, she had good personality, nevertheless, she should has more confident because of its no matter if teacher lack confidents and trust in herself. I think, it may be better done.

Reflection task-based language teaching approach on topic “The garbage” (Atinuts’

           This article is about reflection Atinut’s lesson plan. The purposes of the article is study communicative language teaching in task-based language teaching approach on topic “The garbage” and hope readers can adapt steps approach in their class. Moreover, the topic also inserts public mind to students.

            First of all, I would like to show aims of her lesson plan; students can ask and answer the information about the various kinds of garbage. In the second part, I would like to talk about the objectives of it. Firstly, students will be able to ask and answer information about the various kinds of garbage. Second, students will be able to understand meaning of the vocabulary about garbage, for example waste tire, waste can, waste glass, waste paper, etc, which she taught them in first step of pre-task. Lastly, students will be able to use yes/no questions of present simple tense (structure of “Is this a/an….follow by kinds of  garbage…”) to ask and answer the information. What is the more, you will understand the processes based on task-based language teaching about teaching public mind to students with garbage disposal. In this part, you will see advantages and disadvantage of the processes because I reflect the lesson plan to show you right now. In the lesson plan emphasizes task based activities by working in groups and attacks students’ with game, for instance, " Where  should  I  go ? ".  This game one of the students have to be close his eyes and each students in their group have to run to get a garbage and bring it back to theblinded students. After that he have to ask "Is this a / an .......... ?"  If his answer correct he has to put that garbage in the correct bin also. From this point the students is going to have fun and also learn how to ask and give information with their friends. Moreover, they are going to learn how to divide the garbage in each kinds of bin. This activity was fun and it has movement in classroom activity. Besides, she also use colorful power point slices in the last steps. Finally, teacher explained the grammar point. The interrogative sentence of Present Perfect Tense, how to use and give example according the handout given. In addition, teacher let students practice with partner by the sentence given. Teacher also selected some of her students to   present to the class. Next, let’s talk about instruction Medias to prepare the activities. There are 5 items; hand out, work sheet, power point, information gap and authentic materials.

            To summarize, all thing you considered, task-based language teaching approach are divided into 3 parts; pre-task, task cycle and post-task. The activities always emphasize students learning by doing with games and worksheets. More important, after finished class teacher shoulds have measurement and evaluation by using rubric of each skill. It depends on the skill that teacher want to teach students.

Toxic  garbage   


                                                        Recyclable  garbage                    
                                                      Other  waste

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reflection task-based language teaching approach on topic “Top 10 Bad Manners” (Thanaporns’)

This article about reflection Thanaporn’ lesson plan. The purposes of article is to reflect task-based language teaching approach on topic “Top 10 bad manners” and hope readers can adapt steps approach in their class. Moreover, the topic also inserts public mind to students.
First step teacher introduces topic by using video about bad table manners and let students guess about the topic. Nevertheless, the video is too long time, it might made students bored. Then teacher taught vocabularies about the topic. That’s process in pre-task. By the way, let’s move to task-cycle, teacher let students read the given passage about top 10 bad manners and answer questions from the passage and its pair work. After that, teacher allowed students spoke sentences comment by structural “You should ......”. It’s a good way for students practice their speaking skill. On the other hand, other activities always emphasize in reading skill.  Finally, teacher explained about grammar points that students had learnt before, in the other word, that’s grammar focus which is the last step for task-based language teaching approach. On the whole, teacher has attractive activities and instructional media as video to attacks mention from students

To sum up, Thanaporn devideed her task in 3 parts and all of them invite students learning by doing from tasks and works. Moreover her activities have clearly objectives, that’s focus on reading skill.

                                                   Bad table manner

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Lerning Outside Classroom: Advantage and Disadvantage of Vocational Education

Advantage and Disadvantage of Vocational Education

When we graduated from Mathayom 3or grade 9, there are 2 options for us to further our education, namely general education and vocational education. Vocational education seems weaker than general one.  Although vocational education has negative image, this dost not mean that Thai Vocational Education is not good.
          The main advantage of vocational education is easy to find jobs. All vocational students are prepared to be ready for their careers with various courses and internship. Hence, almost employers usually accept vocational students to work in their companies because they realize that the students have enough experience for working. In case, if we have an opportunity to do our internship at a good company, we will get paid. Fortunately, if we do good job and our boss recognizes our diligence, we might be able to work there immediately. Furthermore, the vocational education is very interesting to learn. There are various and interesting courses to learn.  A poll conducted by the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) revealed that 2 most popular vocational courses are industrial subjects with 37% of students followed by commerce or business administration courses with 24% of students. The results from Suan Dusit poll showed that the most popular course is automotive technician followed by accounting, business administration and electrical technology. Apart from this, when we have completed vocational certificate, we will have 2 options for our future studying. We can study in higher vocational certificate. Meanwhile, we can choose to study in some universities. Suan Dusit poll showed that 63.24% of vocational students have permanent after they graduate. In addition, vocational study is not stressed. It is good for those who are not good at science and mathematics.  Also, the students can go out of their institution after they finished their classes. Besides, their uniform is unique and pretty.
          One of the major disadvantages of vocational education is that bad image. We often hear negative news on TV or newspaper about students from 2 different institutions fight on the bus, for example, mechanical students from Pathumwan Institute of Technology were shoot by opponents, Rajamangala university University Tawan-Ok, Uthenthawai Campus. Moreover, Mr.Chaturon, the current Minister of Education, said that a survey showed that in 2004, the number of fight of vocational students raised 3,000 times per years. Secondly, opportunities to study in universities of vocational students are restricted. In many vocational education institutions, there are not any advisors to give useful information about university admission. This can cause the students confused about the university admission system. Moreover, some faculties in several universities do not accept vocational students because the knowledge of Physic, Chemistry and Biology is required. Finally, Thai children and their parents still have wrong attitudes about vocational education. Almost of them view it ineffective and without dignity unlike receiving university degrees. In the past, students graduated from vocational institutions were unemployed. For ones who were employed, they were blue-collar.
          All things considered, no matter how advantageous or disadvantageous vocational education is, if we are good students, we can succeed in our study. Meanwhile, if we are lazy no matter where we study, we cannot succeed easily. Thus, we should study in programs that suit our interests and abilities.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

General Education: is the best choice for Thai students

 General Education: is the best choice for Thai students

Normally, secondary students who had completed certificate need to decide about their further studying. Therefore, almost of them usually confuse to choose appropriate major education for them. They also would be facing problem don’t know any information about it. How they can solve this problem?  Can you see how troubles are they? On my view, a general education or learning in high school is the best choice for Thai students. So the governments should be motivate and encourage Thai students to continue studying in a general education. They may be promote or give more information about the general education, especially, information in senior high school level. 
          One point in favor of studying in general education is a lot of high schools in Thailand could support Thai students' study courses. There are more over 1,000 good qualities Thai senior high schools for Thai students’ choices, which it is rather than vocational institutions. For example in Nakhon Si Thammarat, there are 71 high schools while vocational institutions just 11. In addition, senior high school students have opportunity graduating at undergraduate level is faster than vocational students by just learn with "Pre-degree course." Likewise Ramkhamhaeng University allows students in grade 10-12 can enroll in some faculties of it. Thirdly, according to Office of the Basic Education Commission, 60% of Thai students choose to study in a General Education (GE). As was previously stated, it’s a good choice for Thai students. As the result, many students interested to study in a general education.
          What is more, high school students can get chance to be exchange students. They will get various experiences of living on abroad; cultures and languages form own country. Furthermore, it's the opportunity to enhance your credit. It was taken to written in their portfolio for apply to study or apply for a scholarship. Moreover, good jobs that they don't have to risk and also have a high salary, for example, doctor and engineer, only for the academic study.  Because of these faculties need a high score in math and science admission. For instance, the most high salary rate is doctor which starting salary for new graduates is 51,285 baht. In the same way, the minimum is 15,000 baht for a graduate degree, meanwhile students who graduated from vocational get start at 6,500-10,000 baht (National Statistical Office). By the way, on the whole almost of them are usually appear good images more than vocational students. Similarly, Empirical research shows that vocational students with smoking rates, having to carry weapons and bickering with fighting are higher than high school students, (Prof.Dr. Savitri, 2011) All things considered, a General Education (GE) is the best choice for Thai students.
       On the other hand, almost of general education students don’t get direct learning experience from apprenticeship like vocational students. Nevertheless, they were allowed to internship at local hospital of each district. This is for students who want to work in hospitals. Besides, they can get several of careers experiences by getting part-time job or learning in courses for careers, which are additional courses in all Thai high schools. And in the event of they did not have perfect experience in pragmatic as another education; it was a cause of some private companies request to recruit people who have experienced rather than high school students who aren't tight with pragmatic performance. Although the problem, quite serious effect for general education students or high school students, government supports people who holds a Bachelor with the minimum salary is 15,000 baht. A part from that, there are high emulation to admit in high schools because 60% of Thai students interested in a general education. However, there are moreover 1,000 high schools in Thailand to support them.

     In conclusion, even of studying in a general education has much hindrance, as the result people who are studied be resourceful. Moreover, they will get both of stable works and rich wealth when they are graduated. According to policy of the government supports people who hold a Bachelor with the minimum salary is 15,000 baht. Furthermore, general education students can get experiences about living of study on abroad and career pragmatic as not less as vocational students. These points was well put by Earl J. McGrath, cited in Miller 1988 when he said, “General education is the thread that ought to weave a pattern of meaning into the total learning experience” and support the idea by Arthur Levine, cited in Miller 1988, was said “General education is the breadth component of the undergraduate curriculum”

วันอังคารที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Lerning Outside Classroom: Organ Donation

Organ Donation

          There are still wrong benefits about organ donation among Buddhists. They believe that if they have donated their organs to others, in future life, they will come handicapped. For example, if they have donated their eyes in the future life they will become the blind. This makes many people hesitate to donate their organs. In fact, for Buddhism, organ donation is a great merit.
          When we die, our organs will be useful for many patients who have trouble in losing their organs. The organ donation is like giving good benefits to others. In the same way, if we wish others to free from suffering organ donation is a good way a Buddhist can do to help them. In Buddhism, donation is one of many basic principles for Buddhists. For instance, in the past life of Buddha, he was a Bodhisattva who donated his eyes to someone who lose his eyes. As a result, he became the Buddha and had second sight eyes. It was the result from his donation. Besides, organ donation also helps patients are reborn with complete organs. Various organs of ours can help many patients free from disorders. If we donate our organs, our lives will be filled with good luck.

          In conclusion, it is not true to think that donating our organs will bring about bad luck in the future life. Organ donation is a good way to help someone who loses their organs. Many Buddhists have good luck in their lives after they have made merit by donating. So organ donation is worth doing. Let’s donate out organs.