วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reflection task-based language teaching approach on topic “house chore” (Nattakarns’)

This article is about reflection Nattakrn’s lesson plan. The purposes of article is to reflect task-based language teaching approach on topic “house chore” and hope readers can adapt steps approach in their class. Moreover, the topic also inserts public mind to students.
          Begin with interesting video about house chore, it was short cartoon video and it could attract the attention of the students, not less. What is the more, she showed and let students pronounced the basic vocabularies about house chore, what is more interesting? She has sounds and picture below the vocabs for students had more understanding. In addition, she showed part of speech of each words, I think it good for students to bring those words apply in sentence because they know part of speech of them. Next, I would like to talk about movement in her class. She had group activity for her student so fun, that’s Charade game, student had act out as meaning of the vocab that they picked from the box, then let their members in group guess what that word is about. It’s activity by structural “she has to mop the floor and I have to take out the trash.  (Acting out)” Moreover, she had showed sample by saying before allowed students did the activity. And finally she did as another, she had taught about structure of grammar point; present perfect tense. Surely, this step is Grammar focus.

            Conclusion, the activities are fun and appropriate with her students’ skill level, primary level. On the whole, she had good personality, nevertheless, she should has more confident because of its no matter if teacher lack confidents and trust in herself. I think, it may be better done.

