วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Learning inside the classroom (1st July 2014)

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

The present, there are several teaching and learning approach in English for teacher and students. Besides English for communication, it also has concepts, theories, new learning managements such as Brain-based Learning, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Learner-Centeredness, Formal and Informal Learning and Self-Access Learning. Especially, Self-Access Learning, there are many interesting approach such Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) 
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study. The principles of CLT are make real communication the focus of language learning and let student induce or discover grammar rules. Moreover, teacher should teach students to use multiple skills such as speaking, reading and listening together in their real world. 
It emphasizes 4 these competencies (Keywords):
- Linguistics competence
- Sociolinguistics competence (including vocab,   grammar structure and syntax)
- Discourse competence
-Strategic competence

Classroom Activities
Classroom activities used in communicative language teaching include the following:
·         Role-play
·         Interviews
·         information gap
·         Games
·         Language exchanges
·         Surveys
·         Pair-work
·         Learning by teaching

To summarize, the communicative approach is a good approach teaching English for teacher to help students to responsible and decisions about their learning and self-learning. However, all of these aren’t deemed a success if the teacher doesn’t understand the student and train and allow students to use the knowledge learned in class to apply in real life situations. In the same way, teacher always use authentic materials to create interests and provide valid modals of language.

