วันอังคารที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Lerning Outside Classroom: Organ Donation

Organ Donation

          There are still wrong benefits about organ donation among Buddhists. They believe that if they have donated their organs to others, in future life, they will come handicapped. For example, if they have donated their eyes in the future life they will become the blind. This makes many people hesitate to donate their organs. In fact, for Buddhism, organ donation is a great merit.
          When we die, our organs will be useful for many patients who have trouble in losing their organs. The organ donation is like giving good benefits to others. In the same way, if we wish others to free from suffering organ donation is a good way a Buddhist can do to help them. In Buddhism, donation is one of many basic principles for Buddhists. For instance, in the past life of Buddha, he was a Bodhisattva who donated his eyes to someone who lose his eyes. As a result, he became the Buddha and had second sight eyes. It was the result from his donation. Besides, organ donation also helps patients are reborn with complete organs. Various organs of ours can help many patients free from disorders. If we donate our organs, our lives will be filled with good luck.

          In conclusion, it is not true to think that donating our organs will bring about bad luck in the future life. Organ donation is a good way to help someone who loses their organs. Many Buddhists have good luck in their lives after they have made merit by donating. So organ donation is worth doing. Let’s donate out organs.