วันเสาร์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Learning inside the classroom (on August 18, 2014)

Learning inside the classroom (August 18, 2014)
Cultivated mind, the individual is responsible for learners and their societies are created a moral matter. Caused by the "public mind" is one thing that is important to instill in people sacrifice. For this reason, the instructor realizes this concept is very important for students in 21th century.
He assigned tasks to learners to design their own syllabus, which focus on public mind concept. According to, learners have been assigned task, they designed 16 lesson plans in own syllabus of each person. And today is the instruction testing day by using lesson plan from own syllabuses in which focus on public mind. After the first one has finished. We face the problem from her presentation; that is the processes in teaching are not success. Hence, the instructor has to explain about how to write correctly lesson plan. First step, learners who will be preservice Teacher Students should understand English curriculum and check standards and indicators before they have built objectives in their lesson plan. Moreover, he also explains about principles of build objectives in our lesson plans. It consist of 3 types; performance, condition and standard. Besides he emphasizes the objectives need to correspond to standards and indicators in English curriculum. And ones of important in this concept, learners shouldn’t task based circle (pre-task, while task or task circle and language function) to apply in their teaching.
According to my instructor said that “Lesson plan is the key of teaching, if you create good lesson plan it’s bring you success in your teaching of that topic.” So preservice Teacher Students should be understand on setting goal in teaching, what skill that you want to focus on. Next step write objectives consistent to the indicators of English curriculum. These steps are important principle to design lesson plan.

