วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Learning Log, learning inside the classroom, 30th June, 2014


           In the past, some teachers might focus 3Ps teaching approach; presentation, practice and production. But my teacher realizes an important process to improve English skills of students, like Task-Based Learning (TBL). It's direct focus on students' pragmatic competence and do what students learnt. 
           Assigned work for today is group work, which according to cooperative learning. Teacher divided students in 6 groups, then took 4 English skills articles to each groups.The mission of students is conclude the articles and presents for 15 minutes show to their teacher and their friends, what is their given article about? The second work is solo work, write academic writing about "Teaching with technology" , and the structure of it consists of introduction in first paragraph, Body in next paragraph and conclusion in last paragraph of writing. Moreover should adding reference information in the writing. The last work for today, I have to take note of other groups' presentation information and have to summarize them into my blog.
           Conclusion, I received three works that I have to do and present to my teacher in next week. All of solo works and group work, which it support Task-Based Learning (TBL) and cooperative learning concept. all of considered, I thought, in the truth real learning is not limit of study and study just as studying in my class today. But it also include learning by doing. 

