วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Reflection task-based language teaching approach on topic “Top 10 Bad Manners” (Thanaporns’)

This article about reflection Thanaporn’ lesson plan. The purposes of article is to reflect task-based language teaching approach on topic “Top 10 bad manners” and hope readers can adapt steps approach in their class. Moreover, the topic also inserts public mind to students.
First step teacher introduces topic by using video about bad table manners and let students guess about the topic. Nevertheless, the video is too long time, it might made students bored. Then teacher taught vocabularies about the topic. That’s process in pre-task. By the way, let’s move to task-cycle, teacher let students read the given passage about top 10 bad manners and answer questions from the passage and its pair work. After that, teacher allowed students spoke sentences comment by structural “You should ......”. It’s a good way for students practice their speaking skill. On the other hand, other activities always emphasize in reading skill.  Finally, teacher explained about grammar points that students had learnt before, in the other word, that’s grammar focus which is the last step for task-based language teaching approach. On the whole, teacher has attractive activities and instructional media as video to attacks mention from students

To sum up, Thanaporn devideed her task in 3 parts and all of them invite students learning by doing from tasks and works. Moreover her activities have clearly objectives, that’s focus on reading skill.

                                                   Bad table manner

