วันพุธที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Learning outside the classroom (3rd article weekly): Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL)

Approaches to apply to teaching language for communicate with the theory and management of new learning. The course is made ​​up of several courses, such Task-Based Language Learning (TBL).

        A task-based approach aims to provide learners with a natural context for language use. As learners work to complete a task, they have abundant opportunity to interact. Such interaction is thought to facilitate language acquisition as learners have to work to understand each other and to express their own meaning. By so doing, they have to check to see if they have comprehended correctly and, at times, they have to seek clarification. On the same way Willis (1996) and Ellis (2006) said, the approach will enhance learning that should be based on these 3 steps; Pre- task, Task cycle or during task and Post-task or Language focus

The advantages of TBL or TBLT or TBI

  1. A task-based lesson usually provides the learner with an active role in participating and creating the activities, and consequently increases their motivation for learning. A task-based lesson offers more opportunities for the students to display their thinking through their actions.
  2. The teachers can also be more open to the needs of the students. TBL allows students to use the knowledge they have learnt and apply it productively in the task context. This practical experience helps learners to appreciate why certain academic questions are important and provide an experiential substrate for the development of a further academic discourse.

In sum, task-based learning has made a significant progress in the last two decades and has remained a potentially fertile approach for many ESL/EFL teachers. In the same way, the task-based model is an attractive and liberating one, especially if you and your learners have been accustomed to a Presentation – Practice – Production model.

